Karyn Adelman ~ Tai Chi - Qi Gong & Acupunture

17 Elk Ave.
Crested Butte, CO 81224
(970) 349-9886
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In China and Tibet, acupuncture has been used to cure almost every illness known to humanity. Many people here use acupuncture to heal a wide array of conditions. It has been particularly effective in assisting in weight loss, quitting smoking and alleviating pain such as migraines and backaches. Growths such as ovarian cysts have disappeared using acupuncture. Acupuncture works to correct imbalances in the energy flow (also known as chi) in order to alleviate or prevent illness. The energy of the body circulates through what are called meridians. The body has hundreds of points that correspond with all organs and physical aspects. By stimulating the correct point with a very fine needle, energy balance can be restored. Karyn does her diagnosis through a full examination of the patient, by taking the pulse and making an assessment of other factors such as emotions, the tastes a person is attracted to, tones of color coming from the patients face, what season it is, the skin temperature and texure, and other factors.

As a skilled Qi Gong and Tai Chi instructor, Karyn periodically teaches classes here in Crested Butte. Like acupuncture, Qi Gong and Tai Chi help in freeing up the flow of chi. Regular practice of Qi Gong can prevent and treat illness, reduce stress and establish inner balance, and integrated mind, body and spirit bring peace. Tai Chi is a Chinese soft martial art that is is primarily practiced for its health benefits, including a means for dealing with tensiona and stress. Unlike the hard martial arts, Tai Chi is characterized by soft, slow, flowing movements that are executed precisely. In addition to its physical benefits, Tai Chi is also considered a form of what has been called “meditation in motion” and is said to have certain psychological effects intended to help one understand onself and to enable one to deal with others more effectively.

A member of Crested Butte Spirit, Mind, Body.

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